Round 2


Back on campus at MGH for my Chemo round 2. 

Starts with accessing the port and drawing blood work. Then an appointment with the NP for the orders followed by a trip to the 8th floor to have the infusions, hydration and potassium and magnesium.  Hoping the kidneys look better today.   Wearing my new socks since there was no cool hair for the day now that I’m down to stubble   

Took my steroids last night and this morning. Expecting to be up all night again!  They make your brain go crazy.  Kids are asking for new masks so maybe I’ll be making masks tonight.  Patrick also needs a mask and sax cover for band to prevent the spread of infection. They got permission for indoor band so I am happy for them.  Not sure how they would do it out in the cold.  

So the perort is good  kidneys were perfect  Efgr back in the 100s  tolerated  high dose TCF chemo fine and my friend the FU pump is back for four days so beware  that means no shower for me for four days.  Colored, watched daytime TV, chatted with connor the research assistant who is also a med student at tufts and has his private pilot license. Nora would like him as he is from seattle.  So we had plenty to chat about.  I had some acupuncture from Nathan who was great. Had five needles in each ear which helps with nausea and some acupressure to my legs and feet. It was very nice. And now I’m on their list for anytime I’m there.  I’ll take it.  Also got a new hat that someone donated that matches the dress I have on. My hat collection is growing which is helpful.    Team is coming out in the morning to give me IV fluids  hopefully the weather will be good cuz patrick has a late morning flight lesson and kate has to be in danvers at 730 for her PSATs   

Then there is softball Sunday  otherwise it’s going to be a pretty calm weekend   I expect to feel better until Monday or Tuesday when the 5FU sets in and the steroids and big antiemetic wears off  

Hope everyone is doing well  there is absolutely nothing we need, other than prayers   There is no room in the fridge and we are loaded up on popcicles! 

Thank you so much for your love as that’s what means the most as I strut through this cancer bullshit wearing my new socks: 


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