Round 2 week 2

 10/24. Saturday 

Today is the first day I felt more normal.  Finally broke down and started drinking coke which seems to settle me and go down easier than anything else. It’s been five years of not drinking soda. So I am disappointed but at this point I need to do something to keep the system stable. 

Went for a walk with John and the kids   Made it around the block   No way I could have done the hill but did feel good after trying   Maura stopped by for a few  my first company this week and it was so nice for the visit   Starting to feel more normal and today is definitely an improvement over The last week so happily I am heading in the right direction  

The tachycardia has subsided and my blood pressure looks good so I’ll keep forging forward and look forward to finalizing the plan   

Wednesday 10/28

Feeling pretty darn good I must say  back to work and have been so busy that it makes the time go by.  Had more IV fluids on Monday and they sent lab work and my platelets are over 100 so they rebounded quickly. I am anemic but otherwise everything looks good including the kidneys .   Meeting with Dr Wirth today to discuss the plan going forward.  They are planning a scan next week to see how we are making out! Rah rah more radiation- lucky me!

Had a great birthday dinner for Declan yesterday. Outback takeout and three cakes. Love having everyone together at the table,  

Watched This is us last night and enjoyed how they pulled the current themes into the show,  but wow how the whole show resonates with my life.   The end talked about how tragedies are fence posts in our lives but it’s what we do in between those that matter   And then she goes on to say despite everything going on that the world is a beautiful resilient place.  

Opted for purple for this weeks meeting. 


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