Sunday round 2

 Feeling pretty good today. Explicating to be wiped for the next few days. Sleeping well and still have a bit of an appetite which will get me through today but expect tomorrow will be less so.  Drinking better than last time so far.  Still grateful my kidneys looked good going into this.   They will be here to give me more fluids on Tuesday and stop my pump.  The 5FU is flowing slowly over the next two days.  (Four days total)

Managed to go out with Patrick and John this morning for his flight lessons.  He landed without assist 7 times and his instructor thinks he is doing a great job.  He said most students aren’t ready for solos until 30 hours but he is at 13 and ready already.  But he isn’t legally allowed to solo until he turns 16.  It will be quite a birthday. To learn to drive and fly solo on the same day.  He said once he can solo then we can go up with him and his instructor.  I’m so impressed.  


Got up early to get kate to school.  So Proud of her. She really enjoys school.  Today she is bringing Tanner with her.  So in addition to her school bag, field hockey bag and stick and Dunkins coffee she had to bring the dog on the bus.  Somehow she figured out how to get organized.  Luckily sheila is willing to get the dog at 230 so kate can go to practice. Not sure how tanner will love being Kate’s dog to brush all day.  Hope they have a good muzzle. 

As for me. Tired today. Nausea meds are holding me above the ground but just want to sleep.  Watching crap on tv.  Some show about pregnant ladies in the slammer. One wants to name her newborn baby “notorious” just like her mama. Oh my. 

Back to the morning show. 

Tuesday- Round 2 Meds all in  

After four days at home with my 5FU pump it’s finally disconnected  Got a liter of fluid at home. melissa the NP from medically home came and gave it to me here.  She said they are planning on scanning me in November and deciding on a third round vs going right to  radiation/chemo.  

I’m eating toast, waffles and some ravioli which is better than this time last cycle.  But not feeling like much. It’s torture to drink when you are tired but I’m pushing as much as I can.   Compazine and zofran seem to be helping with the nausea but not the appetite. 

Ready for the next few days of recovery and prepare for the next round. 


Pretty wiped.  Not too bad for nausea but def don’t want to eat 

Went with the green wig today for the meeting but should have stayed in bed. Wiped out over sitting up for 45 min.  Need a few more days to climb out of this crypt.   Have appointments on Friday to meet with Dr Wirth and discuss the plan going forward. 


Have to say it’s been a difficult week.  Not with nausea as you would expect but definitely severe fatigue, dehydration and tachycardia.   Just showering takes every bit of strength. Not much I’ve been interested in even from a TV standpoint.  The meds help some but these days are tough.  

Had an appointment with the NP.  This round labs were very different. Luckily having IV fluids three times this week at home kept my kidney levels in a normal range but for some reason now my platelets are dangerously low.  This puts me at risk of bleeding so they told me I shouldn’t be playing contact sports. No problem there. I also learned I have a 1.2 cm mass on my breast I have to work up at some point during this mess and have some CTs and MRIs to schedule to hear the progress and find out if we are responding.  Hope to have those answers before Veterans Day..   also scheduled to have the mapping for the radiation and get fitted for the body cast they use to hold you still 

Been better at taking my vitamins and snacking on dry fortified cereals so hopefully we can fix this.  I head back to Meet with Dr Wirth next Wednesday.  Find out the plan.  The NP said this chemo is very strong chemo and my response is not abnormal.  Just wish I could rebound a little faster.  

Upstairs for some fluids with potassium. Declan drove me home and I do feel better.   Hoping this is the boost I needed to turn the corner. 


  1. 13 years old and taking flying lessons? That's pretty cool and amazing! Looks like strength and perseverance run in your family! Miah, we miss you and can't wait for you to be well and back! P.S. Green is definitely your color:). Sima


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