Radiation Journal


Had a nice thanksgiving dinner last night.  Figured we would do it early because my food aversions will be back on Thursday and poultry hasn’t cut it before so I wasn’t expecting it to be any better for thanksgiving.  Tried Nothing Bundt Cakes and it was a big hit. Liz brought over quebrada treats too and kate made an apple crisp.  It’s all about deserts right? 

This morning I got up and put on my new “absolutely radiant” shirt from Jen.  Love it!   Perfect for my first day.   I’m not feeling nervous - just really want to get it overwith.  I get in and the machine is an hour behind already.  There goes the whole “in and out in fifteen minutes” thing.   

So I was in for about a half hour it was very spaceage  big white machine moving all around  Q

2 down 33 to go.  4 chemo cycles down and 6 to go.   Took some Ativan today before my appointment.  Made it a lot faster and less stressful.  Problem is I fell asleep in the waiting room waiting to see Dr Chan and they all wondered where I was.  They said they called my name a few times.  Not sure why I turn into a ditz when I get to the hospital.  I also forgot to self check (I answered all the questions at the desk but apparently they don’t check you in.  into radiation and they too were wondering where I was. 
Tuesday’s are going to be crazy.  Took a ride today so I could take something to take the edge off.  Makes all the difference in the world 
Tuesday schedule until Jan 14:
Blood draw
Dr Chan
Dr worth/Clark/or Karen
Then chemo. Cisplatin 40/sq footage :)

Wore another pair of fun socks today.   Loving the sentiment.  Hoping to get a little acupuncture while I have chemo. Need to remember to ask.  

11/35.  3 down 32 to go.  
Radiation today was a piece of cake. I. And out quickly. Nora has been my driver which is great. So nice to have her home. The girls in proton were awesome and took some Pictures of the machine and my positioning.  It takes about a half hour of sitting very still.   There are some beeps and flashes and some smell of radiating the deep layers but it talks me It’s working.  Luckily painless so far.  Feels only like when you breathe through your nose on a really cold day.  The pics were good and really show the experience.  The plates help direct the proton to the right place and protect the other areas. 

Had a quiet thanksgiving.  Feeling the covid circle getting tighter.  One of declans friends who has been at the house was exposed this week so I am feeling more ominous about covid.  Glad we decided to isolate.   Nora wanted Chinese food but there was nobody open close to home so we ended up with pizza on thanksgiving.  That’s ok because we had turkey on Sunday.   Drove to pick up a new wreath from my friend Deb Beneduci.  It is a beautiful wreath.   
I have to say overall I’m doing ok this week.  Really tired by not nauseated.   I was signed off to give myself my IV fluids so I can do that every day if I need it.  Planning on sneaking in a pedicure tomorrow I hope.  Can’t stand looking at my feet and besides, on Tuesday when I get my accupunture/acupressure sometimes they take off the socks.  So it’s better to have pretty feet
Probably going to go red for Christmas.  

Today we also had our friend Emo take some pictures for a Christmas Card.  Hoping for the best but I think sometimes it’s harder to take pics of young adults than it is little kids.  Emo will have to work some magic with us. Wait and see.  I might actually get a Christmas card out this year- it’s probably been about half a dozen years since we did.  I have to find my lists of addresses.  
Let me know if I don’t have yours or if you moved! 

Week 2
Chemo take two round 2 
Radiation 6 down 35 to go

The two words I have to describe what I am going through are weird and tired.  The only real complaints I have is that I am tired more than usual.  My nose is a little congested and super mild sore throat but it’s really nothing compared to any symptoms I had pre chemo.  Can’t look at or eat chicken which is a bummer and things don’t quite taste the same but that’s not the worst.  Overall I feel blessed not to be someone being wheeled in by emts or wheelchair and my coloring is good and I don’t think I look too bad bald.  

Got a boat load of steroids at chemo. Yesterday.  My Tuesday’s are pretty crazy.  Started at 8 with radiation in the Burr Center. Then see Dr Chan. In the Lunder building Followed by Dr Clark in the Yawkey Buikding then grabbed lunch in the mail hospital followed by Chemo with Emma (super nice travel nurse who is from florida but hates Floridians)  back in Yawkey.  A phone call from nutrition and then Acupressure by Hugo home at 5.  Then patrick and I hit the grocery store.   Steroids def help with energy and nausea. I find it hard to believe that after all the running around I felt great at the grocery store. 85 items later and even waited for cold cuts.  Only problem is the sleeping on steroids.   And by Friday I will be exhausted from the withdrawal. But by Monday all is good.  

A friend posted her daughter singing “Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas”. I loved the sentiment of “next year all your troubles will be far away”.  
Think it’s time to embrace December. And get off the whole “it’s 2020 what else will you throw at me” and decide it’s going to be a month getting ready to welcome the new year.  Time to decorate.  We know the vaccine is coming and the worst best be behind me. We will have learned so much about our healthcare system. Our families and friends and learned how to be creative despite hardships and insanity.  Let’s all commit to a month of family and be ready to welcome 2021 with open arms.  Love you all 💗 

8 protons down- 27 to go. Five chemos left

I have to say getting up every day and getting to protons definitely gets my momentum for the day. I feel like I have more energy and motivation.  Been able to work almost 30 hours this week despite daily radiation and feel it is so good for my head to keep up with the patients.  The people at Radiation are all so nice. They are getting to know me and I seem to be in and out pretty quickly.  Next weeks schedule is early. So i will be in and out pretty easily.  I imagine the earlier the appointment the more likely to be on time.   I have been able to drive myself which is good.  I have to say this fear of Covid will keep me pretty independent.  The circle is definitely smaller.  We just need to get through til Jan 14.  I don’t want to screw up the momentum or the radiation schedule by getting it.  I really just need to forge through to the end. Apparently there is a bell to ring on my last day of treatments so I am looking forward to that day.  

My only real complaint right now is a bit of a sore throat.  Due to the radiation there is more mucous in my nose and throat which is irritating but not unbearable.  It does bring some of the fullness back from before treatment but I’m hoping it’s just temporary.  Really don’t want to have to move to a liquid diet. Especially where chicken is not my friend while on chemo.    Not a lot of soup options without chicken.  They gave me magic mouthwash which should help as it worsens.  

The humor of it all is the hair.  Still have eyelashes and eyebrows. But they are thinning.  Have random white hairs popping up on my head like Charlie Brown but don’t need to shave or pluck which is nice.  I think of the money I saved as I was thinking about doing laser removal earlier this year.  Don’t need that now- lol
And It only makes me laugh when I grab the razor in the shower for my legs.  My cabbage patch wig is still by far my favorite.  Makes me smile. 
Have a new hoodie too. 

Tough start to the day. proton beam machine is broken so I got the call at 6 am that they were cancelling the day.  While this to most people seems like a day off. The end of the message was.. we will add it on to the end.  So it looks like The last Day moves up to January 15.   They tell me I don’t need to see Dr Chan but then at 9 tell me to come in to see  Dr Chan.  So I get myself together and head in. Dr Chan seems to think all is fine.  She recommends some new pain medication and alternative options for the sore throat.  And I head to oncology to see Karen my NP who has been so great.  She takes a look at my throat and says I must have a pretty high pain tolerance.  It’s pretty red and there are some sores which justify why swallowing has been tough lately.  I had been ignoring it until Saturday when I looked in the mirror with a flashlight. Seeing it made it more uncomfortable. But luckily there are options for comfort. 
The magic mouthwash with lidocaine works pretty well and I have used a small amount of narcotics for when it is it’s worst. But beyond the sore throat I feel good and have been able to work and make my appointments.  

Then more news- apparently my platelets are too low for chemo.  So no chemo this week either.  The good news is it doesn’t extend my treatments.  I am supposed to have at least 5 treatments total of the chemo that goes with radiation.  I have had two already so I only need three more. So no steroids. No chemo. No protons today.   I’m thinking this will make my week a little easier.  Patrick is disappointed about no steroids.  Apparently he enjoys my bursts of energy when I get them.  Me. I’ll be glad not to crash at the end of the week. 

Karen also recommended a new place in Rockport that does a darker henna treatment.  I am going to schedule another head treatment/tattoo.  The first one was great but light for my head. This company offers a darker Henna that isn’t the toxic black henna. It’s made with a fruit that is safe.  I’m excited because it gives my head a little pick me up.   The hair is lightly growing. I have charlie Brian hair. Maybe a half inch and about fifty one total. And only the white ones are growing straight up.  I’m so hoping for chemocurl but embracing the baldness.   (I have been called sir with this look but love the fact that it reminds me of dad) 

Went up for fluids.  Nurse today was Kate.  I called her Katie but she said “it’s just Kate”. Which of course is my Kate too.   She has 11 yo boy girl twins and was super nice.  When I showed her one of our family portraits with the famous “birds”. She told me her Christmas card too had her son giving the finger.   Funny when you find someone you truly connect with. 

Hugo came by for some acupressure.  Best part of being in infusion.  He always has great conversation and does an amazing job. Not sure I was a true believer but I definitely feel the electrical energy.  Good way to make up for no chemo and no protons today.  Makes sure time isn’t wasted. 

10 down 25 to go 
Rinses seem to be helping heal the mouth.  Been much more aggressive with the mouth care and trying to keep things moist.  Water seems to be the best choice for fluids which is good because it had been hard getting it down before. 
I’ve been manically ordering food.  Keep getting ideas in my head of something to crave.  Wednesday it was Chinese food.  Yesterday French toast from the diner.  With chemo it doesn’t taste the same but funny thing is of everything-cheese pizza went down the best. 

12/15. Tuesday 13 down 22 to go. (More than 1/3 of the way through) 
Platelets are down again.  Likely holding chemo again this week.  So far so good on the radiation.  With the rinses and drinking the throat is better this week too.  Everything pretty much tastes metalllic so there isn’t much interest in food other than cheese pizza this week. And baked potato.  Even those are getting a little old. I’m so happy that I can see the end of the tunnel.  No nausea which is great and no pain to speak of except a mild sore throat.  The doctors teamed up on me today trying to push me to take pain meds. So crazy how when you have surgery you are lucky to get 20 pain pills. But cancer. They think I will drink better if I take pain meds.  But this of course affects driving and working. So I’ll hold off for now but know they are there when I need them. 

Valerie Doyan from of Nature's Body Art and Soulstice Shop in bearskin neck of rockport came over yesterday to redo my head.  She uses a fruit from Panama called Jagua which works similarly to Henna only darker.   We hid some designs. A four leaf clover, koala bear (my favorite animal as a baby) four turtles for my kids, a butterfly and some Celtic symbols.   I think it’s pretty cool and the kids aren’t embarrassed so we must have done a good job.  I love the color and it was a good pick me up.  Got lots of great comments from people at chemo.  Doctors were taking pictures and staff liked finding all of the hidden animals. 

Work has been super busy this week.  Three cardiac interventions scheduled for a five day span.  New patients are stacking up a bit.  I feel lucky to have this job as it is such a distraction for time. Getting everyone settled into the MFM practice has been good for my soul.  

I got tag teamed this week by the doctors.  They are all pushing me to stop working and take pain meds but I told them “good luck with that”.  To compromise I promised to cut down a bit. Maybe to 20 hours. The mucositis is the main symptom of radiation.  I have basically lost 90% sense of taste or smell.  My saliva is really thick and I have sore inside my mouth. Especially on the roof/soft palate. I use magic mouthwash to take away the pain and Helios mouth rinse to try and heal it.  They also reccomended aklakol from cvs and I have the rad oncology doctor wants me doing baking soda and salt water rinses throughout the day.   

I am really enjoying the artistic crown on my head.  Valerie did such a good job free handing it and I love finding the animals.  I totally am already thinking about what to get on the next one. 

15 down 20 to go 
Feels good to see the numbers going down. Less than one month left.  This all started in august so I feel like I can totally see the light at the end of the tunnel.  

There was a heavy snowstorm this morning and of course I had radiation scheduled at 7am. John had an endoscopy as well. So we left at 530. Dropped him in chestnut hill. Had radiation at MGH and then picked him back up. Luckily the weather settled and having it light out made it so much better getting home.   

December 22, 2020
20 down 15 to go 

Got chemo today even though my platelets were 76.  They want to get five rounds of chemo in by the end and I am down to three weeks left after tomorrow.  One more radiation this week. Four next week then five days the following two weeks.  I’m definitely starting to have some signs of chemo beyond the hair loss.  So it has to be working.  I’ll take every side effect just to know it’s curing this cancer. And I still breathe so much better than I did before the treatments started.  

Still grateful not to experience nausea or severe pain.  Getting more and more tired and looks like I am going to have to wind down my work from home.  My platelets are pretty low (risk for bleeding) and wbc which puts me at more of a risk of infection.   Luckily John, the twins and declan have all tested negative for Covid this week in prep for Christmas. 

Things I’m so grateful for 

The Jugua on my head is holding up nicely.  Over a week and it’s still dark on top. 

Sick time-  looks like I plan to let work go for a few weeks to get through the rest of these treatments. 

Maureen helped me get my wrapping done.  Few little things left but nobody should be disappointed.  

An amazing team at MGH including the medically home peeps fighting this battle along with me. The ability to self administer IV fluids when I’m feeling dry and great nursing care and an amazing acupuncturist.   

Amazing friends, family who have been cheering me on, praying for me, sending encouragement and there for me. Endless gift cards, presents, flowers and food to keep us going.  

John and the kids. Who are always checking and helping and caring for me and more important letting me know how much they love me.  ðŸ’— 

Three weeks left. 14 radiations. And I did get chemo so hopefully only two chemos left.  My labs are rough but I saw hematology today and they are hoping to give me some off label drug to bring my platelets up. If you don’t know about platelets. They are what makes your blood sticky and keep you from bleeding. So when they go low. You can’t shave. Which is fine. Because nothing does need to be shaved anyway. Although I do have a sparse 3/4 inch speckling of Charlie Brown white hair coming up.  Not enough to cover but a sign that something in my head is working.  Not a bit of curl but it’s hair just the same. 
Also have some anemia which means my red blood cells are low. This happens with chemo and is no surprise.  So what do they do to treat it?

They take 14 vials of blood and send it off to see if I have my signs of ITP which will help them make the case to insurance to  get coverage for this expensive med to bring the platelets up. 

My boss at work shared a funny meme today.  
“You think 2020 was tough. Wait til it turns 21 and it starts drinking” lol 

Christmas was quiet.  I think with the loss of Dad, the loss of parties, mixed with advancing treatment,pain and pain meds that I have hit a bit of a wall.  What gets me through is the as of today there are 13 radiations left
I think the time has come to stop working 

Over the last week I have done more resting.  Has four days without radiation and took it easy and today, my labs were so improved.  Kidneys perfect, platelets over 100 and critical above  31:  there is something  to be said about rest.  I went in today more tired and to him I g labs would be crazy but they were perfect so I was able to get in the fourth dose of rad/chemo in audition to my 21st radiation.  

After realizing how Christmas really kicked my butt for many reasons including emotional and physical exhaustion I realized I need to find my spark.  I need a new head tattoo and decided the theme will be. Face the sun, let the shadows fall behind you.    

The new year is coming and this is how I need to greet the new year while flipping off the year past.  This new year offers healing, Gratefulness, family, celebration, love and adventures.  

12/30. 24 down. 11 Togo. 

Looking forward to the new year.  Love the girls in radiation/proton.  They love asking me pregnancy questions and making me feel more human. Kara at the front desk always greets me with a smile and when I run to empty my bladder before my 40 min in the mask strapped to the table, I see the bell I can’t wait to ring on January 15.  
New Years will leave me with ten treatments left and my new mantra is helping.   Bringing myself out of the pit is my project.  Can’t wait for the new head tattoo and the new year. And the new hoodie!  Going to try my hand at screen printing this week. Gotta have a new craft activity with the kids.  

Went to Soulstice in Rockport and got a new tattoo on my head.  Hoping to get another few weeks out of this one. Theme is the sun/ocean Kids wanted Dory- since they think I am like Dory from finding Nemo.  Forgetting the answers to questions.  
Val did a great job again freehanding the whole thing   We got a quick video on how it all looks   Now with the Face the sun mantra we have turtles again  four for each of thebkids    Dory is hidden on the side   There is a shark and some starfish and I think a sea horse     
It’s way better than a bald head and certainly beats out wigs!   It is getting colder so I do find myself popping on a hood or hat more often than I don’t.  
Kates butterfly

Nora’s taco dinosaur 

Today is January 7 and I have 7 treatments left.  The last few days have been easier to eat and my energy is better due to the chemo and steroids.  They gave me some crap for losing weight.  The weekend was tough so I need to increase what I’m putting in which is tough when everything takes like baking soda.   Can’t eat anything with flour. No chicken.    Hot chocolate from
Dunks is about the only thing that’s satisfying but I can get down an occasional cream of broccoli soup.   The nutritionist called and I was like. Sorry. You can’t help me.  I’m a brat.  I’m not going to do any ensure.  I bought these one ounce protein shots I can get down and I can do a drinkable yogurt.   I only have another week left so in l can do this.  I am loading up with vitamins.  
This is what the daily mix looks like.  

Calcium, magnesium, b, potassium, probiotics, vit d, multivit, iron, zofran, etc

I also bought this product on Amazon to exercise my jaw.  Speech pathology is concerned the radiation to my mouth and jaw will make it tight and hard to open.  She wants me to get three fingers open and do these exercises seven times a day.  Forever.   So if you see me forcing my mouth open. It’s just to stretch the tightness.  

As for the radiation burns. They are worried about two spots opening up.  I have been doing twice daily aquphor as recommended and now using domeboro which is an astringent to the ones on the crease of my neck. This is the one that feels most like a bad sunburn and is starting to open a little.  But they say overall my skin looks like.  Trying to feel more sun kissed than radiation burned. It’s all attitude right?      The NP said some people go through withdrawal after not coming to the hospital when they have been there daily for months.     I don’t think withdrawal is the word for me.  I’ll have no problem filling the time.  Just can’t wait for my energy to return.  That’s what I miss the most. 

Going to get my vaccine on Saturday in preparation for returning to work.  This will help with my concerns over getting it from someone in my house.  Nora got hers.  Hopefully John will be eligible in one of the first waves.  Will be glad to get two doses under way.  People say some are feeling lousy with headaches.  I figure why not feel lousy while I still feel lousy.  That way I still have a barrage of medications to take for any symptoms that may arise.   I even have Narcan here. Go figure.  I’m barely even taking anything for pain yet the IV people leave me Narcan.   Plus I can give myself the IV fluids I need.  Took a liter last night and it definitely helps.  

Now with the “face the sun” mantra.  My biggest vacation fan patrick had decided that Hawaii needs to redeem itself.  After last January’s rainy trip ( now I don’t mean afternoon tropical rain- we are talking all day drizzle) one sunset one rainbow.  Barely see the mountains through the clouds and saved a fortune on sunblock.   
We are looking at an April vacation trip perhaps.  I am so easily swayed at this point. And thoughts of finishing the states by going to Oklahoma texas and Louisiana are far from my mind with the state of the nation right now.   Hawaii might be a safe choice like alaska was in august.  Especially vaccinated.  So stay tuned to our 50x50 blog to see who wins out.  

John and I have our 25th anniversary and are talking about New Orleans with dana and John.  So maybe later in the year when the risks are lower and Hawaii for April.   Nora won’t be able to come but I can slip her a Eurorail Pass for her Europe trip she is planning with a friend.   This would be a relaxing vacation and she has traveled to more places than any of the kids.  So I think she will be fine with that.  So hard to find a time when everyone is free besides January and the heat of the summer. Not to mention getting time off work is always tough and we really need to plan something.  So maybe Hawaii it is.  Airfare is pretty cheap right now. 500/person and say in Kauai at the same place as last time.  We know the area and had washer dryer which was great. And a short walk to the beach.  Lots of turtle viewing which is my favorite.   Stay tuned. 

Ok- so we will find out here who is paying attention 
Today marks one week until I am finished. Five more proton radiation’s left.   If this is what they said the worst would be it can be done.  Other than tired and food takes crappy I feel pretty good.    Want to share a funny story. This is a mother of the year moment.  Don’t judge me for my choices.  Remember - I have a cancer card to play! 

So every other week I have the most amazing housekeepers who come clean the newman frat house.  They make it so the state doesn’t take the kids away.    
While they are there, patrick is home on zoom school and decides to come with me to radiation to get out of the way.  Before Christmas, he was on a call with Mr Carbones class and Mr Carbone asked him where he was going.  Patrick told him his mother had an appointment and because we were in a parking lot he asked if it was a drug deal-  the irony of this was that I had just stopped at a friends house near MGH to pick up some medical marijuana.   The Irony of him saying it made me laugh.  
Well today, patrick came again with me.  At some point Mr Carbone who was running a class on how to let your parents know you care about them.  I have a thumbs up on camera which mortified Patrick.  He then asked asked him about a certain Greek scholar.  Patrick wasn’t sure and I repeated the question only calling the scholar Syphilis.  Patrick was mortified.   Apparently I really am mother of the year!  

Last day of chemo today.  (Had the amazing Kate all day)  Turns out my blood is low and they need to give me two units of blood.  Plus chemo.  Plus potassium and magnesium.   Having trouble getting food in probably doesn’t help much.  The blood should be a good pick me up for energy though.  That and the steroids.  
Steroids + chemo + pain med+ blood + covid vaccine = Wonder Woman right?    I’ll feel no pain, have no cancer and get no covid.    This is me today:

I see the light at the end of this horrible tunnel.   Two more treatments to go.    So blessed to have an amazing team including healthcare, family, and friends pull me through it all and the end is near!   Advice to anyone having to go through this.  Just forge through.  It’s not fun but it’s not forever and the side effects are worth your life and your family.   There are too many adventures to be had to let cancer stop you.   

One day left.  Can’t be closer.  Today we had a disney playlist playing during chemo.   Lots of emotions.  They played the song from Tarzan that nora sang to the twins when they were in the NICU. Then of course the Lava song comes on.  This only helps Patrick’s argument to get to Hawaii.   If you don’t know the lava song, it’s from a short disney animation that they played before the start of a Pixar movie. It’s amazing.  The song can be found here. https://youtu.be/uh4dTLJ9q9o

It’s about two volcanos and basically “I will lava you” and of course it’s Hawaiian.  
I’ll need to make my final hoodie for tomorrow’s bell ringing. Maybe after a nap and some food.  
I continue to manically buy food.  Still can’t find anything to eat.  Bread is terrible. Sweets aren’t great although I did have a piece of cheesecake I got down the other day.  Soup is good as long as no chicken.  But ramen didn’t work.  Milk is lousy. I hate shakes consistency.  I’m such a brat when it comes to food anyway but this feeling like everything takes like baking soda is pretty tough and add the dryness (no saliva) plus the hand foot mouth like sores so that salty kinda hurts.  Doesn’t make it easy.  They say another three weeks of this and the taste and saliva are the last to return.    Not being able to eat definitely messes with my energy level.  I can hydrate with IV fluids as much as I need but I have to get the protein in.   I bought some one ounce protein shots I’ve been taking like medicine.  Just to get it down.  And loading up on vitamins.  But nothing works like a good old fashioned meal.  Going to try chop suey for lunch.  Ran to doms and piantedosi for bread and meats. Hoping it’s soft enough to get down with a ginger ale.  Will give it a try.  
Then nap
Then shirt
Then going to watch the series “your honor”. It’s good so far.  

Closing the door on treatments.   What an amazing day today is.   I turn on “here comes the sun” and the tears roll down.   There is no way I could have made it through this without the amazing support of John and the kids as well as my whole family and all of my friends and coworkers rooting me on. Helping with rides, sending gift cards and flowers and presents and love and prayers.    The support has been amazing.  I have also had a brilliant team of not just doctors but nurses and radiation staff and the support staff who make you confident that you are in the best place and getting the Cadillac of all treatments.   How lucky to be in Boston with an amazing team.  

I rang the bell three times.  The tears stream down my face.  There have not been many tears along the way because I choose to Forge through and often find myself saying “no nonsense miah.  You’ve got this and it’s what you need to do”. When given a choice to hold chemo this week I told them I was here for the best treatment and I don’t ever want to regret taking a short cut.   Trying to maintain a positive attitude definitely helps the forging through.  I also feel my dads presence pushing me a long.  Just as he went to dialysis three times a week and hated every minute but I’m sure made the best out of every minute he could by talking to the staff and patients and distracting himself from the pain and aggravation.    I find myself doing the same. 

I am happy to close the door to all of this now.  My fight has been a good one.  I finished the entire treatment.  I won’t be scanned until April but if all is well in April they think 95% cure rate.  
Thank you so much for your love and support.  
In closing the radiation page I will give you some pictures of today.   Know if you are reading this,   I love you and thank you for everything! 

As a final surprise some of my friends drove by for a parade.  So happy to see them all and get flowers signs candy bread balloons bubbles and a huge socially distanced friend blast.   It was so sweet and kind of them all to celebrate me.  


  1. Lots of really yummy vegetarian Thai and Japanese and Chinese soups out there.

  2. Good idea. I’ll have to try that


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